
アップデート版 - Patch Release: UI 改善



今回のアップデートをお楽しみいただけると嬉しいです!もしご意見やご感想があれば、ぜひDiscordコミュニティにご参加ください。『Space for Sale』に今後追加してほしい機能など、皆さんの声をお聞きできることを楽しみにしています。そして、「レッドプラネット」アップデートに向けて共に進んでいきましょう! ごプレイいただきありがとうございます。それでは、宇宙でお会いしましょう! /トビー




Patch Release: UI Improvements

Greetings Space Realtors!

While we're hard at work on the Red Planet update we were thinking we'd serve you guys some fixes that's been made along the way. These fixes mostly relate to UI improvements, expanding on the World Map UIs as well as adding additional tooltips. We've also added more juice to blocker removal (Dynamite go "BOOM!"), multiple sound effects and squashed a lot of bugs during this patching period.

Hope you enjoy the update! If you want to get in touch we encourage you to join the community on Discord! We'd love to hear what you want from Space for Sale in the future as we make our way towards the Red Planet update!

Thank you for playing and See you in Space!



- The summary windows in the World Map; such as the Region Summary

- Storage interfaces; such as the Item Storage in the HUB

- Crafting interfaces; such as the refinery

- The Resource top bar

- The Toolbox Interface

- The Components tab in the Codex

- The Market Prospect Interface

Squashed Bugs:

更新日:2024年1010日() 22:04