
アップデート版 - Patch Release: さらなるUI 改善



いつものように、アイデアやフィードバックがあれば、ぜひDiscordでお知らせください。皆さまのご意見が『Space for Sale』の未来を形作り、レッドプラネットアップデートへの道のりを共に進んでいく力になります。






Patch Release: MORE UI Improvements

Greetings Space Realtors!

As we continue crafting the Red Planet update, we wanted to share some fresh improvements we've been working on in the meantime. This latest update comes packed with UI polish, added support for performance settings, and plenty of bug fixes to keep everything running smoothly.

As always, if you have ideas or feedback, we’d love for you to join us over on Discord. Your input shapes Space for Sale as we head closer to the Red Planet update, and we can’t wait to bring you along for the journey.

Thanks for being part of the journey, and see you in space!




Squashed Bugs:

更新日:2024年10月31日(木) 23:03